Jenny Brandis' Handcrafts

February/March 2008

It has been a while since I have updated this area as my lace making has been on the back burner.

I have however been considering design ideas. One of which is that often when designing you want to 'fill a hole' of so many dots with an element. Thinking about this made me go back to my reference material and I have decided to do a couple of 'desiging bookmarks'.

So far I have made two of the three with the third still at the pricking stage. If you would like to have a go too I offer them here for you to download.

Although these are designed on Lace2000 I have converted the files to PDF's so you will need Acrobat Reader to read and print them.

The grid is 1/10 inch diagonal so any thread with a Wrap Per Centremetre (wpc) of 28 - 40 will do. The higher the number, the more open the lace effect. I used Venus tatting thread in the first sample and feel it should have been a finer thread used as the cloth stitch blocks have puckered a little. The second sample used Finca 40 in black with a ecru reel of unknown cotton.

      5x5 elements 3

I am thinking that the fans and trails can be varied to give a different look to the samples but have not tried that as yet.

Have a go and let me see what yours turned out like !


1997-2019 Jenny Brandis

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